Skydiving Safety
The basis of parachuting safety is strict adherence to the rules and control over the implementation of all stages: equipment preparation, parachuting, jumping. Over the years of the development of…

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piss first
The three-dome parachute system was first introduced at Innoprom
The Technodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation at the Innoprom-2016 forum for the first time demonstrates a reduced copy of a mock parachute system designed for the safe landing…

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How to make money on parachuting (part 1)
You can earn on parachuting, but so far no one. Along with other extreme sports, skydiving is primarily carried out by lawyers, middle and senior managers, IT specialists, that is,…

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Research Institute of Parachuting “Rostec” tested the products in its CEO

Rostec creates a parachute for the “Warrior”. The new parachute system takes into account all the features of promising combat equipment

The Research Institute of Parachute Engineering tested the new products at its CEO, 47-year-old Sergey Khursevich, a RBC correspondent reports from the Kirzhach airfield, where the tests took place.

D-14 “Shelest” has a minimum dome area of ​​87 square meters. m, and its laying time does not exceed 15 minutes. According to the terms of reference, the permissible mass of the paratrooper is up to 150 kg at a flight speed of up to 180 km / h. This system is designed for low-altitude landing of assault groups in extreme combat use conditions on a limited site.

During the tests, the landing of the testers with the Sturm system was carried out from Mi-8 helicopters from a height of 70 to 100 meters and an instrumental flight speed of 80-120 km / h.

“The system uses fabrics with varying degrees of air tightness, which improves the overall controllability of the parachute – it makes it possible to adjust the vertical speed of descent. And a flatter dome shape is to add horizontal speed, ”a representative of the Research Institute of Parachute Engineering told RBC.

Research Institute of Parachute Engineering is part of the Rostec State Corporation. According to SPARK, the company’s revenue for 2016 amounted to 825 million rubles.

The company’s website clarifies that the institute’s development provides the creation of parachute systems for various purposes, including for rescuing crews of various aircraft, braking aircraft during landing, taking them out of a tailspin, landing unmanned aerial vehicles, landing airplanes from military units and military equipment, and descent and the safe landing of parts of rockets, rocket-planes and artificial Earth satellites, for air bombs, mines and artillery shells for various purposes.

On the account of the head of the research institute and the former deputy director of the Federal Tax Service, Sergey Khursevich, more than 1000 parachute jumps. A graduate of the Leningrad Higher Military-Political School of Air Defense named after Yu.V. Andropov, he served in the position of deputy company commander. From 2007 to 2010, Khursevich was an adviser to the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. In February 2010 he headed the Oboronservis OJSC. Since 2012, he was engaged in scientific work, heading the department at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. In April 2017, Khursevich headed JSC “Research Institute of Parachuting”.

Varieties of parachuting
Parachuting requires the athlete's skills to perform a free fall with various acrobatic elements, a controlled descent and an exact smooth landing. The times when the equipment of a paratrooper…


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