Funnel in the snow
Can a man slow down his fall? Yes, says Professor Bjornstig. If you fall flat, stretching your legs and arms as wide as possible, the top speed will be about…

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piss first
How to make money on parachuting (part 1)
You can earn on parachuting, but so far no one. Along with other extreme sports, skydiving is primarily carried out by lawyers, middle and senior managers, IT specialists, that is,…

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U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 2)
You should begin training in high-speed landing by approaching in a straight line with acceleration by two front free ends, which must be pulled up by 10-12 cm.This approach will…

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The first parachute jump
I went to Taupo, New Zealand, and this was my first parachute jump. Skydiving was never what I desperately wanted to do, or even miss such a fleeting thought, but…


The main parachute "Sirocco" company "SKYLARK"
The rapid development of swoop forces manufacturers of parachute equipment to raise the level of technical excellence of their products. When developing this dome, almost all the comments of experienced…


GVA officers are studying in the Ryazan center of the airborne airborne parachute system "Crossbow-1" and "Crossbow-2"
More than 100 officers and instructors of the airborne service from all formations of the Russian Airborne Forces take part in a training camp for the study and practical development…
