BASE FAQ, or why not (part1)
1. Q: I already have 100 jumps with AN-2 and one with MI-8! How can I put PO-9 series 2 to jump from the roof of an adjacent 22-storey building?…

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piss first
How to survive parachute failure
Former British Army instructor Emil Chillier found guilty of attempted murder of his wife Victoria. He intentionally damaged her parachute, but the woman survived, although she broke her bones. How…

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Skydiving Safety
The basis of parachuting safety is strict adherence to the rules and control over the implementation of all stages: equipment preparation, parachuting, jumping. Over the years of the development of…

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How to survive parachute failure

Former British Army instructor Emil Chillier found guilty of attempted murder of his wife Victoria. He intentionally damaged her parachute, but the woman survived, although she broke her bones.

How can you survive after falling from a height of 1200 meters?

Earth is rapidly approaching. You pull the ring, but the parachute does not open. Your body rushes to the ground, and only friction against the air slows down the speed a little. Continue reading

The main parachute "Accurate"
The main Accurate parachute is a 7-section canopy, of a classic rectangular shape, designed for jumping on landing accuracy. The prototype for the creation of this dome was the famous…


Skydiving as a hobby
Life in the modern world is subject to severe stress, both at home and at work, and in society. Strong emotional upheavals are not always positive. Because of this, a…


How to make money on parachuting (part 3)
Trade is the engine of progress Creating a full-fledged dropzone with all the infrastructure is just one of the ways to make money by passion for parachuting. It is much…
