Skydiving Safety
The basis of parachuting safety is strict adherence to the rules and control over the implementation of all stages: equipment preparation, parachuting, jumping. Over the years of the development of…

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piss first
How to make money on parachuting (part 2)
In Soviet times, two categories of the population parachuted: the military and athletes. After the collapse of the USSR, funding for sports clubs that formed the reserve of the airborne…

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How to make money on parachuting (part 3)
Trade is the engine of progress Creating a full-fledged dropzone with all the infrastructure is just one of the ways to make money by passion for parachuting. It is much…

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The first parachute jump

I went to Taupo, New Zealand, and this was my first parachute jump. Skydiving was never what I desperately wanted to do, or even miss such a fleeting thought, but you know how they say when you’re in New Zealand …
And so I discovered that with strangers I was going to jump from 4,500 meters into the thin air above the stunning Lake Taupo, which from this distance looked like a simple pond on the horizon of tiny things. Continue reading

GVA officers are studying in the Ryazan center of the airborne airborne parachute system "Crossbow-1" and "Crossbow-2"
More than 100 officers and instructors of the airborne service from all formations of the Russian Airborne Forces take part in a training camp for the study and practical development…


First Jump Preparation: Beginner Outfit
At first glance, a beginner expects a lot of difficulties in parachuting. In fact, everything is far from being as difficult as it seems. We will try to answer the…


The main parachute "Accurate"
The main Accurate parachute is a 7-section canopy, of a classic rectangular shape, designed for jumping on landing accuracy. The prototype for the creation of this dome was the famous…
