BASE FAQ, or why not (part1)
1. Q: I already have 100 jumps with AN-2 and one with MI-8! How can I put PO-9 series 2 to jump from the roof of an adjacent 22-storey building?…

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piss first
The main parachute "Accurate"
The main Accurate parachute is a 7-section canopy, of a classic rectangular shape, designed for jumping on landing accuracy. The prototype for the creation of this dome was the famous…

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The history of parachuting
Parachuting, from the beginning of its occurrence, enjoys unprecedented popularity. And if you decide that this extreme sport is only for the stronger sex, you will lose. Because the lion's…

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The first parachute jump

I went to Taupo, New Zealand, and this was my first parachute jump. Skydiving was never what I desperately wanted to do, or even miss such a fleeting thought, but you know how they say when you’re in New Zealand …
And so I discovered that with strangers I was going to jump from 4,500 meters into the thin air above the stunning Lake Taupo, which from this distance looked like a simple pond on the horizon of tiny things. Continue reading

The Russian Armed Forces team became the best at the Parachuting Championship in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the 38th SIZM Parachute World Championship ended. Our servicemen have once again proved that they have no equal not only on earth, but also in the sky! The…


The history of parachuting
Parachuting, from the beginning of its occurrence, enjoys unprecedented popularity. And if you decide that this extreme sport is only for the stronger sex, you will lose. Because the lion's…


How to make money on parachuting (part 4)
The fact is that the seller of parachute equipment itself must be a well-known and experienced skydiver, with at least 1000 jumps behind it. Since the seller is indirectly responsible…
