The main parachute "Sirocco" company "SKYLARK"
The rapid development of swoop forces manufacturers of parachute equipment to raise the level of technical excellence of their products. When developing this dome, almost all the comments of experienced…

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piss first
In 2012, paratroopers made more than 150 thousand parachute jumps
With the end of the calendar year in the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), the final results of the annual plan for landing personnel and military equipment from airplanes and helicopters…

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U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 1)
I hope that my comments above will help the reader to understand what happens during the U-turn. In short, both types of U-turns lead to an increase in vertical and…

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Skydiving as a hobby

Life in the modern world is subject to severe stress, both at home and at work, and in society. Strong emotional upheavals are not always positive. Because of this, a person constantly needs to get rid of negative emotions. The simplest solution for this is to engage in extreme sports, since during training a person is exposed to a strong emotional shake and adrenaline enters the body. Continue reading

U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 2)
You should begin training in high-speed landing by approaching in a straight line with acceleration by two front free ends, which must be pulled up by 10-12 cm.This approach will…


The parachute braking system for the T-50 aircraft confirmed the characteristics during the tests
During the flight tests of the 5th generation fighter T-50, the Sukhoi company checked the parachute braking system created for this aircraft, Dmitry Tretyakov, Director General of the Parachute Research…


The parachute braking system for the T-50 aircraft confirmed the characteristics during the tests
During the flight tests of the 5th generation fighter T-50, the Sukhoi company checked the parachute braking system created for this aircraft, Dmitry Tretyakov, Director General of the Parachute Research…
