How to make money on parachuting (part 5)
There are among Ukrainian craftsmen and craftsmen specializing in the manufacture of accessories, especially helmets and overalls. However, according to Mikhail Alekseenko, such productions cannot be called full-fledged: "Most of…

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piss first
BASE FAQ, or why not jump (part 2)
4. Q: so what to jump on? Here I have a Radar, it seems to open quickly ... A: ... if at all opens. The BASE system has 3 great…

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GVA officers are studying in the Ryazan center of the airborne airborne parachute system "Crossbow-1" and "Crossbow-2"
More than 100 officers and instructors of the airborne service from all formations of the Russian Airborne Forces take part in a training camp for the study and practical development…

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Funnel in the snow

Can a man slow down his fall? Yes, says Professor Bjornstig. If you fall flat, stretching your legs and arms as wide as possible, the top speed will be about 200 km / h, he explains. “If you reduce the resistance, for example, fall head first, you can accelerate to 420-430 km / h.”

For example, a skydiver will reduce the speed of fall to a minimum, but on what surface is he best to land? Continue reading

Wingsuit - Free Aeronautics
Since ancient times, man dreamed of flying, and even with the advent of airplanes, the relevance of the ancient desire has not diminished. But the world is constantly improving, and…


Skydiving Safety
The basis of parachuting safety is strict adherence to the rules and control over the implementation of all stages: equipment preparation, parachuting, jumping. Over the years of the development of…


The main parachute "Segment"
The main “Segment” parachute is a 7-section dome designed for acrobatics (rotation and rebuilding). The dome “Segment” is made of fabric with zero breathability (ZP, Gelvenor Textiles), equipped with slings…
