new parachute system

How to make money on parachuting (part 1)
You can earn on parachuting, but so far no one. Along with other extreme sports, skydiving is primarily carried out by lawyers, middle and senior managers, IT specialists, that is,…

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piss first
Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 2)
Now consider the pitch angle of the dome, which is often confused with the angle of attack. This is the pitch angle that is set by mutually adjusting the length…

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Within six months, the ZVO rescue team made more than 1000 parachute jumps
In the summer period of training, the specialists of the search and rescue and parachute landing service of the aviation units of the Western Military District completed more than 1000…

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GVA officers are studying in the Ryazan center of the airborne airborne parachute system “Crossbow-1” and “Crossbow-2”

More than 100 officers and instructors of the airborne service from all formations of the Russian Airborne Forces take part in a training camp for the study and practical development of special-purpose parachute systems such as the “Crossbow”, the press service and information department of the Russian Ministry of Defense said. Continue reading

The Russian Armed Forces team became the best at the Parachuting Championship in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the 38th SIZM Parachute World Championship ended. Our servicemen have once again proved that they have no equal not only on earth, but also in the sky!

The tournament was held in the picturesque town of Solo, located in the province of Central Java. For several days, servicemen from 42 countries competed in speed and accuracy of landing. 210 participants took part in the World Cup, including 152 men and 58 women. Continue reading

Within six months, the ZVO rescue team made more than 1000 parachute jumps

In the summer period of training, the specialists of the search and rescue and parachute landing service of the aviation units of the Western Military District completed more than 1000 parachute jumps. Of these, more than 300 jumps ended with landing on unprepared sites or were carried out in bad weather conditions, every fifth jump was carried out above the water surface and ended with flooding. Continue reading

The new parachute system for the Airborne Forces successfully passed the first stage of state tests

Discharges of the new parachute system for armored vehicles (BTR) and airborne combat vehicles (BMD) “Bahcha-U-PDS” at the first stage of state testing were successful. This was reported in the press service of the holding “Technodynamics” of the state corporation “Rostec”.

“The discharges of airborne assault vehicles with the new Bahcha-U-PDS parachute system were successful. Continue reading

7-section precision parachute Malva-24SK
Appointment The parachute sports system "Malva-24SK" is designed to perform all types of jumps both by individual athletes - paratroopers, and groups of parachutists from airplanes and helicopters designed to…


The extremal made a preplanned jump without a parachute from a height of 7620 meters and landed on a network stretched over the California desert. “This is a tiny object…


The main parachute "Sirocco" company "SKYLARK"
The rapid development of swoop forces manufacturers of parachute equipment to raise the level of technical excellence of their products. When developing this dome, almost all the comments of experienced…
