Performing a set of figures in free fall
For a clear and safe execution of the complex of figures, the paratrooper must: On the ground: develop a detailed jump model; firmly master your actions at every second of…

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piss first
How to make money on parachuting (part 3)
Trade is the engine of progress Creating a full-fledged dropzone with all the infrastructure is just one of the ways to make money by passion for parachuting. It is much…

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Skydiving in South Africa: A Stunning Summer
If you are a parachuting enthusiast, you already know everything about adrenaline addiction and attractive gravity, so don't miss the chance of an exciting jump if you are relaxing (or…

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pilot and the ground

Beginner Tips – Low U-Turn (part 3)

Acceleration using the front free ends has a number of important advantages compared to turning the brakes. Acceleration with the help of the front free ends accelerates the dome, and a turn with brakes, on the contrary, slows it down. This difference is especially apparent at the end of a reversal. After a turn on the front, the dome slows down to its normal speed and tends to return to a neutral position above the pilot. Continue reading

The history of parachuting
Parachuting, from the beginning of its occurrence, enjoys unprecedented popularity. And if you decide that this extreme sport is only for the stronger sex, you will lose. Because the lion's…


Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 1)
Starting from the very first jumps, skydivers are taught that a low U-turn is one of the main causes of parachuting accidents. When turning, the vertical speed increases, and when…


How to make money on parachuting (part 1)
You can earn on parachuting, but so far no one. Along with other extreme sports, skydiving is primarily carried out by lawyers, middle and senior managers, IT specialists, that is,…
