The choice of starting equipment for parachuting
If you firmly decided to master parachuting, then you probably already managed to appreciate its fascination and unique feeling of flying. Learning all the intricacies of this sport is not…

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piss first
Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 2)
Now consider the pitch angle of the dome, which is often confused with the angle of attack. This is the pitch angle that is set by mutually adjusting the length…

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First Managed Planning Cargo Parachute Ready for Testing
To date, the Tekhnodinamika holding company, which is part of the Rostec state corporation, has manufactured and prepared for factory tests 7 prototypes (6-year-olds, 1 will pass the ground test…

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classical parachuting

The main parachute “Segment”

The main “Segment” parachute is a 7-section dome designed for acrobatics (rotation and rebuilding).

The dome “Segment” is made of fabric with zero breathability (ZP, Gelvenor Textiles), equipped with slings Dacron-600 or ML (microline).

“Segment” is characterized by fast and uniform filling. The behavior of the dome in the stall and recovery modes is stable and controlled, the dome is sensitive to inputs by control lines or free ends. Continue reading

Varieties of parachuting

Parachuting requires the athlete’s skills to perform a free fall with various acrobatic elements, a controlled descent and an exact smooth landing. The times when the equipment of a paratrooper weighed 18 kg were far away, the maximum height of the jump was 800 m, and to complete the jumps it was necessary to undergo training for weeks and have good physical fitness. Thanks to modern technologies and materials, parachuting has become more widespread, affordable and diverse. Continue reading

BASE FAQ, or why not (part1)
1. Q: I already have 100 jumps with AN-2 and one with MI-8! How can I put PO-9 series 2 to jump from the roof of an adjacent 22-storey building?…


The new parachute system for the Airborne Forces successfully passed the first stage of state tests
Discharges of the new parachute system for armored vehicles (BTR) and airborne combat vehicles (BMD) “Bahcha-U-PDS” at the first stage of state testing were successful. This was reported in the…


Within six months, the ZVO rescue team made more than 1000 parachute jumps
In the summer period of training, the specialists of the search and rescue and parachute landing service of the aviation units of the Western Military District completed more than 1000…
