First Managed Planning Cargo Parachute Ready for Testing
To date, the Tekhnodinamika holding company, which is part of the Rostec state corporation, has manufactured and prepared for factory tests 7 prototypes (6-year-olds, 1 will pass the ground test…

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piss first
The main parachute "Accurate"
The main Accurate parachute is a 7-section canopy, of a classic rectangular shape, designed for jumping on landing accuracy. The prototype for the creation of this dome was the famous…

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GVA officers are studying in the Ryazan center of the airborne airborne parachute system "Crossbow-1" and "Crossbow-2"
More than 100 officers and instructors of the airborne service from all formations of the Russian Airborne Forces take part in a training camp for the study and practical development…

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7-section precision parachute Malva-24SK

The parachute sports system “Malva-24SK” is designed to perform all types of jumps both by individual athletes – paratroopers, and groups of parachutists from airplanes and helicopters designed to perform parachute jumps, when it is put into operation immediately after separation from the aircraft or with a delay of opening valve knapsacks. Continue reading

Beginner Tips – Low U-Turn (part 1)

Starting from the very first jumps, skydivers are taught that a low U-turn is one of the main causes of parachuting accidents. When turning, the vertical speed increases, and when exiting it, it goes into horizontal. One must be very careful in controlling the energy of the U-turn in order to avoid a collision with the ground. It doesn’t matter if the U-turn was the result of improvisation or a pre-planned maneuver, if contact with the surface occurs before the dome returns to normal, it can cause serious injury or death. Continue reading

10 unique parachute jumps that you didn’t even know
The most restless Worked in two systems and were able to pull 20 jumps per day? Cool, well done. Inhabitants of the St. Petersburg dropzones nervously swallow tears, but we…


Skydiving Safety
The basis of parachuting safety is strict adherence to the rules and control over the implementation of all stages: equipment preparation, parachuting, jumping. Over the years of the development of…


Skydiving in South Africa: A Stunning Summer
If you are a parachuting enthusiast, you already know everything about adrenaline addiction and attractive gravity, so don't miss the chance of an exciting jump if you are relaxing (or…
