Wingsuit - Free Aeronautics
Since ancient times, man dreamed of flying, and even with the advent of airplanes, the relevance of the ancient desire has not diminished. But the world is constantly improving, and…

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piss first
First Managed Planning Cargo Parachute Ready for Testing
To date, the Tekhnodinamika holding company, which is part of the Rostec state corporation, has manufactured and prepared for factory tests 7 prototypes (6-year-olds, 1 will pass the ground test…

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The latest D-12 parachute system is ready for state trials
Kirzhach, Vladimir region. Honored parachutist - tester Vladimir Nesterov, who has more than twelve thousand jumps behind him, will test the innovative D-12 parachute system. The new parachute, designed for…

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Landing accuracy jumps

When performing individual jumps for accuracy of landing, the skydiver must:

to conduct a rigorous analytical calculation of the separation point, control points, monitoring them on the ground by stopwatch and altimeter;
tune in and mentally imagine the whole jump, given the height of the parachute, the direction and strength of the wind along the heights, as well as the approach to the target; Continue reading

An updated section of the metal production workshop of JSC Flight was opened in Ivanovo
In mid-May, the opening of a new high-tech galvanic section of the metal production workshop of the Ivanovo Parachute Plant “Polet” was launched as part of a technical re-equipment project.…


The three-dome parachute system was first introduced at Innoprom
The Technodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation at the Innoprom-2016 forum for the first time demonstrates a reduced copy of a mock parachute system designed for the safe landing…


In 2012, paratroopers made more than 150 thousand parachute jumps
With the end of the calendar year in the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), the final results of the annual plan for landing personnel and military equipment from airplanes and helicopters…
