The main parachute "Sirocco" company "SKYLARK"
The rapid development of swoop forces manufacturers of parachute equipment to raise the level of technical excellence of their products. When developing this dome, almost all the comments of experienced…

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piss first
Performing a set of figures in free fall
For a clear and safe execution of the complex of figures, the paratrooper must: On the ground: develop a detailed jump model; firmly master your actions at every second of…

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The choice of starting equipment for parachuting
If you firmly decided to master parachuting, then you probably already managed to appreciate its fascination and unique feeling of flying. Learning all the intricacies of this sport is not…

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How to make money on parachuting (part 2)

In Soviet times, two categories of the population parachuted: the military and athletes. After the collapse of the USSR, funding for sports clubs that formed the reserve of the airborne forces gradually stopped. The Defense Assistance Society of Ukraine (OSOU), the successor of DOSAAF, could not help ASK, which were unprofitable. More or less stable work of dropzones was resumed only in 2000, when the Ukrainian middle class showed interest in skydiving. Wealthy audience pulled to extreme. Continue reading

The main parachute "Accurate"
The main Accurate parachute is a 7-section canopy, of a classic rectangular shape, designed for jumping on landing accuracy. The prototype for the creation of this dome was the famous…


Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 1)
Starting from the very first jumps, skydivers are taught that a low U-turn is one of the main causes of parachuting accidents. When turning, the vertical speed increases, and when…


Skydiving: Truth and Fiction
Parachuting is one of the most extreme that a person could come up with. Very few decide on a parachute jump - and only a few, having decided on a…
