The parachute braking system for the T-50 aircraft confirmed the characteristics during the tests
During the flight tests of the 5th generation fighter T-50, the Sukhoi company checked the parachute braking system created for this aircraft, Dmitry Tretyakov, Director General of the Parachute Research…

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piss first
Russian paratroopers set a new world record
In the sky above Kolomna, Moscow Region, parachutists from the Pearls of Russia team set a new world record for jumping in large formations, surpassing their own achievement in 2012.…

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The extremal made a preplanned jump without a parachute from a height of 7620 meters and landed on a network stretched over the California desert. “This is a tiny object…

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wing parachutes

The latest D-12 parachute system is ready for state trials

Kirzhach, Vladimir region. Honored parachutist – tester Vladimir Nesterov, who has more than twelve thousand jumps behind him, will test the innovative D-12 parachute system. The new parachute, designed for training and combat jumping with full service armament and equipment, was developed with the support of Aviation Equipment Holding (part of the Russian Technologies Corporation). Continue reading

Wingsuit Flights

Does the wingsuit fly or only reduces vertical speed due to aerodynamic drag? It really flies, because just its area is not enough for such a decrease in vertical speed and smooth planning.

But only gravity allows flying wingsuit. The vertical fall caused by the force of gravity of the wingsuit turns into horizontal (as far as possible) flight. The same principles underlie gliders, hang gliders and wing parachutes. Continue reading

The new parachute system for the Airborne Forces successfully passed the first stage of state tests
Discharges of the new parachute system for armored vehicles (BTR) and airborne combat vehicles (BMD) “Bahcha-U-PDS” at the first stage of state testing were successful. This was reported in the…


BASE FAQ, or why not (part1)
1. Q: I already have 100 jumps with AN-2 and one with MI-8! How can I put PO-9 series 2 to jump from the roof of an adjacent 22-storey building?…


The main parachute "Segment"
The main “Segment” parachute is a 7-section dome designed for acrobatics (rotation and rebuilding). The dome “Segment” is made of fabric with zero breathability (ZP, Gelvenor Textiles), equipped with slings…
