Funnel in the snow
Can a man slow down his fall? Yes, says Professor Bjornstig. If you fall flat, stretching your legs and arms as wide as possible, the top speed will be about…

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piss first
In 2012, paratroopers made more than 150 thousand parachute jumps
With the end of the calendar year in the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), the final results of the annual plan for landing personnel and military equipment from airplanes and helicopters…

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Skydiving as a hobby
Life in the modern world is subject to severe stress, both at home and at work, and in society. Strong emotional upheavals are not always positive. Because of this, a…

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CSKA parachutists win gold at the World Cup
At the 35th World Parachuting Championships, women's group competitions for precision landing were held. At the World Parachuting Championships, the first set of awards was played - in women's group…


CSKA parachutists win gold at the World Cup
At the 35th World Parachuting Championships, women's group competitions for precision landing were held. At the World Parachuting Championships, the first set of awards was played - in women's group…


Landing accuracy jumps
When performing individual jumps for accuracy of landing, the skydiver must: to conduct a rigorous analytical calculation of the separation point, control points, monitoring them on the ground by stopwatch…
