The extremal made a preplanned jump without a parachute from a height of 7620 meters and landed on a network stretched over the California desert. “This is a tiny object…

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piss first
First Jump Preparation: Beginner Outfit
At first glance, a beginner expects a lot of difficulties in parachuting. In fact, everything is far from being as difficult as it seems. We will try to answer the…

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In 2012, paratroopers made more than 150 thousand parachute jumps
With the end of the calendar year in the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), the final results of the annual plan for landing personnel and military equipment from airplanes and helicopters…

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How to make money on parachuting (part 5)

There are among Ukrainian craftsmen and craftsmen specializing in the manufacture of accessories, especially helmets and overalls. However, according to Mikhail Alekseenko, such productions cannot be called full-fledged: “Most of the craftsmen carry out orders from case to case, none of them have a stable number of orders, and the production of the same helmets is only a side job for them, which is not the main income.” Continue reading

How to make money on parachuting (part 3)
Trade is the engine of progress Creating a full-fledged dropzone with all the infrastructure is just one of the ways to make money by passion for parachuting. It is much…


Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 3)
Acceleration using the front free ends has a number of important advantages compared to turning the brakes. Acceleration with the help of the front free ends accelerates the dome, and…


Landing accuracy jumps
When performing individual jumps for accuracy of landing, the skydiver must: to conduct a rigorous analytical calculation of the separation point, control points, monitoring them on the ground by stopwatch…
