In 2012, paratroopers made more than 150 thousand parachute jumps
With the end of the calendar year in the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), the final results of the annual plan for landing personnel and military equipment from airplanes and helicopters…

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piss first
Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 1)
Starting from the very first jumps, skydivers are taught that a low U-turn is one of the main causes of parachuting accidents. When turning, the vertical speed increases, and when…

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U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 2)
You should begin training in high-speed landing by approaching in a straight line with acceleration by two front free ends, which must be pulled up by 10-12 cm.This approach will…

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reputable parachuting clubs

Skydiving in South Africa: A Stunning Summer

If you are a parachuting enthusiast, you already know everything about adrenaline addiction and attractive gravity, so don’t miss the chance of an exciting jump if you are relaxing (or traveling on business) in South Africa. After all, this area is able to surprise you not only with exotic nature or outlandish animals, but also with the ancient traditions of skydiving. Continue reading

Funnel in the snow
Can a man slow down his fall? Yes, says Professor Bjornstig. If you fall flat, stretching your legs and arms as wide as possible, the top speed will be about…


Performing a set of figures in free fall
For a clear and safe execution of the complex of figures, the paratrooper must: On the ground: develop a detailed jump model; firmly master your actions at every second of…


How to make money on parachuting (part 5)
There are among Ukrainian craftsmen and craftsmen specializing in the manufacture of accessories, especially helmets and overalls. However, according to Mikhail Alekseenko, such productions cannot be called full-fledged: "Most of…
