The main parachute "Segment"
The main “Segment” parachute is a 7-section dome designed for acrobatics (rotation and rebuilding). The dome “Segment” is made of fabric with zero breathability (ZP, Gelvenor Textiles), equipped with slings…

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piss first
Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 3)
Acceleration using the front free ends has a number of important advantages compared to turning the brakes. Acceleration with the help of the front free ends accelerates the dome, and…

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The extremal made a preplanned jump without a parachute from a height of 7620 meters and landed on a network stretched over the California desert. “This is a tiny object…

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U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 2)

You should begin training in high-speed landing by approaching in a straight line with acceleration by two front free ends, which must be pulled up by 10-12 cm.This approach will be similar to the standard one, except that the front free ends must be smoothly started to release at a height of several feet ( 1 foot = 0.309 m) above the one on which you usually begin to perform a “pillow”. The “pillow” itself runs smoothly and slowly. Continue reading

7-section precision parachute Malva-24SK
Appointment The parachute sports system "Malva-24SK" is designed to perform all types of jumps both by individual athletes - paratroopers, and groups of parachutists from airplanes and helicopters designed to…


The parachute braking system for the T-50 aircraft confirmed the characteristics during the tests
During the flight tests of the 5th generation fighter T-50, the Sukhoi company checked the parachute braking system created for this aircraft, Dmitry Tretyakov, Director General of the Parachute Research…


The history of parachuting
Parachuting, from the beginning of its occurrence, enjoys unprecedented popularity. And if you decide that this extreme sport is only for the stronger sex, you will lose. Because the lion's…
