Performing a set of figures in free fall
For a clear and safe execution of the complex of figures, the paratrooper must: On the ground: develop a detailed jump model; firmly master your actions at every second of…

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piss first
Funnel in the snow
Can a man slow down his fall? Yes, says Professor Bjornstig. If you fall flat, stretching your legs and arms as wide as possible, the top speed will be about…

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Wingsuit Flights
Does the wingsuit fly or only reduces vertical speed due to aerodynamic drag? It really flies, because just its area is not enough for such a decrease in vertical speed…

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U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 2)
You should begin training in high-speed landing by approaching in a straight line with acceleration by two front free ends, which must be pulled up by 10-12 cm.This approach will…


Varieties of parachuting
Parachuting requires the athlete's skills to perform a free fall with various acrobatic elements, a controlled descent and an exact smooth landing. The times when the equipment of a paratrooper…


The history of parachuting
Parachuting, from the beginning of its occurrence, enjoys unprecedented popularity. And if you decide that this extreme sport is only for the stronger sex, you will lose. Because the lion's…
