How to make money on parachuting (part 3)
Trade is the engine of progress Creating a full-fledged dropzone with all the infrastructure is just one of the ways to make money by passion for parachuting. It is much…

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piss first
U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 2)
You should begin training in high-speed landing by approaching in a straight line with acceleration by two front free ends, which must be pulled up by 10-12 cm.This approach will…

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Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 2)
Now consider the pitch angle of the dome, which is often confused with the angle of attack. This is the pitch angle that is set by mutually adjusting the length…

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multi-speed domes

U-Turn Physics under the Dome (part 1)

I hope that my comments above will help the reader to understand what happens during the U-turn. In short, both types of U-turns lead to an increase in vertical and horizontal speed, however, for a planned maneuver, U-turns using the front free ends are generally preferable as leaving more “backlash” in case of calculation errors or sudden changes in the situation. Unfortunately, most of the unplanned, “panic” U-turns are made by just the brakes, which led to a considerable number of accidents. Continue reading

How to make money on parachuting (part 1)
You can earn on parachuting, but so far no one. Along with other extreme sports, skydiving is primarily carried out by lawyers, middle and senior managers, IT specialists, that is,…


Performing a set of figures in free fall
For a clear and safe execution of the complex of figures, the paratrooper must: On the ground: develop a detailed jump model; firmly master your actions at every second of…


BASE FAQ, or why not jump (part 2)
4. Q: so what to jump on? Here I have a Radar, it seems to open quickly ... A: ... if at all opens. The BASE system has 3 great…
