Within six months, the ZVO rescue team made more than 1000 parachute jumps
In the summer period of training, the specialists of the search and rescue and parachute landing service of the aviation units of the Western Military District completed more than 1000…

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piss first
Beginner Tips - Low U-Turn (part 2)
Now consider the pitch angle of the dome, which is often confused with the angle of attack. This is the pitch angle that is set by mutually adjusting the length…

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Wingsuit Flights
Does the wingsuit fly or only reduces vertical speed due to aerodynamic drag? It really flies, because just its area is not enough for such a decrease in vertical speed…

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How to make money on parachuting (part 5)

There are among Ukrainian craftsmen and craftsmen specializing in the manufacture of accessories, especially helmets and overalls. However, according to Mikhail Alekseenko, such productions cannot be called full-fledged: “Most of the craftsmen carry out orders from case to case, none of them have a stable number of orders, and the production of the same helmets is only a side job for them, which is not the main income.” Continue reading

The latest D-12 parachute system is ready for state trials
Kirzhach, Vladimir region. Honored parachutist - tester Vladimir Nesterov, who has more than twelve thousand jumps behind him, will test the innovative D-12 parachute system. The new parachute, designed for…


Space divers
Do you want to take off on a small rocket to a height of 100 kilometers, and then jump out of it and in one spacesuit alone overcome all the…


The history of parachuting
Parachuting, from the beginning of its occurrence, enjoys unprecedented popularity. And if you decide that this extreme sport is only for the stronger sex, you will lose. Because the lion's…
